environment no more
show log log-id 99
show log log-id 100

Start of Line 			Ctrl-A (^A)
End of Line 			Ctrl-E (^E)
Delete Line 			Ctrl-U (^U)
Delete Cursor to End of Line 	Ctrl-K (^K)
Delete Previous Word 		Ctrl-W (^W)
Redraw Line			Ctrl-L (^L)
Exit from config mode		Ctrl-Z (^Z)

/ ou \ peut être utilisé pour exécuter une commande depuis n'importe quel contexte :
*A:Router>config>router>mpls1#\show time

Junos				IOS			TiMOS
set date			clock set		admin set-time
request system reboot		reload			admin reboot now
request message			send			write
show system uptime		show version		show uptime
show chassis environment	show environment	show chassis environment
show cli history		show history		history
show log [file ]		show log		show log log-id 
show system processes		show process		show system cpu
show configuration		show running-config	admin display-config
request support information	show tech-support	admin tech-support
show system users		show users		show users
show chassis hardware		show version		show card, show mda
set cli screen-length		terminal length		environment terminal length
set cli screen-width		terminal width		autosize